Lucie Štruncová
Polymer Clay Artist

Lucie Štruncová
Polymer Clay Artist
Lucy is also the organiser of Polymer Week, a 3 day event held in the Czech republic hosting international artists – Lucy herself, one of the instructors.
Lucy’s business commitments are juggled with all the challenges a university education holds! Lucy’s work is well known throughout the world and we are very pleased to be bringing this amazing young artist and her refined fresh style to Australia!
All classes By Lucie Štruncová
Day 1

August 16, 2019,
9.00 – 12.30
There are two identical workshops with the same technique run as half day workshops. This is the Afternoon workshop
Space Brooches / Pins with Lucie Štruncová – During this half-day class with Lucie, you will learn to make beautifully patterned Space Brooches or pins. How to create interesting patterns using mokume gane and liquid shapes.
Day 1

August 16, 2019,
02.00 – 05.30
There are two identical workshops with the same technique run as half day workshops. This is the Afternoon workshop
Space Brooches / Pins with Lucie Štruncová – During this half-day class with Lucie, you will learn to make beautifully patterned Space Brooches or pins. How to create interesting patterns using mokume gane and liquid shapes.
Day 2

August 17, 2019,
09.00 – 5.30
There are two identical full day workshops being taught by Lucie – This is the Saturday Class
Enchanting Tubes with Lucie Štruncová – In this workshop you will create a piece of jewellery comprised of several polymer tubes you will make using forms. Learn how to create unusual and fine polymer clay decorations from liquid clay with different patterns.
Day 3

August 18, 2018,
09.00 – 5.30
There are two identical full day workshops being taught by Lucie – This is the Sunday Class
Enchanting Tubes with Lucie Štruncová – In this workshop you will create a piece of jewellery comprised of several polymer tubes you will make using forms. Learn how to create unusual and fine polymer clay decorations from liquid clay with different patterns.